
This module contains template tags that are provided by this package.


This template tag provides the URL for the form action. It simply returns the correct URL to use for submitting the form. It is roughly equivalent to:

{% url 'cmsplugin_form_handler:process_form' %}

Although simple, the purpose of this tag is to encapsulate the implementation details of cmsplugin-form-handler so that future changes can occur as necessary without breaking existing projects.

param int plugin_pk:

This can be used to specify the ID of the plugin that the view should use to process the form. If the developer uses CMS development conventions, this parameter should never be necessary. However, there may be some cases where the render() method uses a variable other than instance in its context. In these cases, it may be necessary to use that variable in this template tag as follows:

# In this example, the context includes the variable ``plugin``
# that contains the plugin instance to render

{% load cmsplugin_form_tags %}
<form action="{% form_action plugin %}" method="post">